Weekly Oracle Guidance for April 4, 2021

For this week of April 4th, I am using The Mystical Shaman Oracle deck for the collective’s guidance and lesson. The first card is our anchor card which gives us the dominant and overarching energy for the week so that we may live out our highest good.

The anchor card this week is the Tree of Life. There are three parts of the tree that represent the shamanic cosmology. There are the branches that reach to the Upper World, where we receive wisdom from Spirit. There is the trunk of the tree which represents the Middle World where we reside to live out our highest good. Lastly, there are the roots that represent the Lower World where we find the broken pieces of ourselves that need healing and then need to be integrated back into our being.

This sacred symbol is telling us that this week is crucial for each of us to find that sense of balance. All the three worlds within us need to be balanced, so that we can live out our highest good this week. Check out The Shamanic Cosmology Spread which can guide you on how to find and maintain that balance this week.

Our second card for this week is the Andean Cross. The second card tells us what is our next right action in connection with our anchor card.

This sacred symbol is telling us that we are about to embark on a great journey. What ever the journey, it is different for each of us. It could actually be a journey to another state, country or it could be a spiritual journey. But remember, we cannot take this journey, until we are aligned and balanced with the Tree of Life. Moreover, listen to the wisdom and guidance of Spirit. Don’t let your critical mind try to make sense of the journey. Just say yes to Spirit, for Spirit wants to lead you to your highest good.

Daily Guidance & Meditations:


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