Weekly Oracle Guidance for October 31, 2021

This week, I am using Sacred Mysteries: The Chakra Oracle by Kooch N. Daniels, Victor Daniels, and Pieter Weltervrede.

The card that anchors us this week is Right Action. This card sits in the seat of the 3rd chakra (solar plexus), also known as the power chakra. We are encouraged to be the best person we can be. The actions we make this week must go beyond the “me, me, me” complex and instead should be for the highest good of all.

Our second card is Integrity. This card sits in the seat of the 6th chakra (third eye). We must ask ourselves, “how am I perceived by others?” If the answer is not a positive one, then we may be operating with selfish motives. It is time to get in tune with our intuition so that we may see ourselves clearly.

Our third card is Communication. This card sits in the seat of the 5th chakra (throat). Communication in this sense is more non-verbal than verbal. Gurus and people in power know how to use eloquent words and their charisma to persuade. Nevertheless, we must diligently listen and watch so that we may not fall prey to empty words.

The theme for this week is discernment. We must be on guard and take care to do right, act right, and choose right.

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